"The Virgin Birth"
"Know What You Want"
"The Cost of Discipleship"
"What is in Your Hands"
Pastor Scott Shipman
"Jesus Calms the Storm"
"A Troubled Nation"
"The Titus Three"
"What to Teach"
"Doing What is Good"
"The SyroPhoenician Woman"
"A Church in the Wilderness"
"What Are You Thinking"
"The Third Trimester"
"Contend for the Faith"
"A Rich Man"
"Fill'er Up"
"Without Faith it is Impossible"
"All Saints Day"
"Thank you for your Service"
"All Saints Sunday"
"I Am A King"
"The End of the World"
"The Virgin Birth"
"The Annunciation"
"The Magnificat"
"God's Chosen People"
Smoky Mountain Methodist Church
3742 E. Lamar Alexander Parkway Maryville, TN 37804 / Mailing Address: P.O. Box 101 Walland, TN 37886
Phone: 865/255-3781
Copyright © 2024 Smoky Mountain Methodist Church - All Rights Reserved.